Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 9

Morning :-)

So the weekend was great, had a blast in Stowe! Will try and upload some pics at some point. This week is crazy busy for me with work, which I am grateful for.

I was very good over the weekend, only "failing" was having more than one drink Saturday night.

Yesterday I followed the rules, but decided to allow myself for the first time in 8 days some animal protein. 10% of your diet can be animal protein, so technically that isn't breaking a rule, but I am REALLY trying to only have animal protein 1) outside of my own home and 2) on a special basis.

The owner of the Mexican Connection, Jay, made an after-hours dinner and TV show watching (Bourdain's No Reservations) at 10pm of phenomenal paella. I seriously could have had 3x as much as I did, but I kept my portion in check. Yellow rice, onions, peas, peppers, chorizo sausage, mussels, scallops, and shrimp. SOOOOOOOO good. Glad I picked his cooking as my treat!!! Plus it was fun to see everyone.

Long story short is I am feeling good, excited about the weight loss, and the olny thing I am struggling with is eating enough greens. But that's why Dr. Fuhrman tells you in the book to work up to 2 lbs. per day....because they really do fill you up and it's a lot of chewing, haha!

Back to work......

1 comment:

  1. loved your "God's Pharmacy" Maybe you should give it a shout out in your blog. This is what works best for me with the greens (at this point): using a whole orange or half a grapefruit as the dressing. Along with the solid fruit (sectioned or cut) I squeeze the juice. I've gotten through a lot of salads this way! Also, I just accept that I am going to do a lot of my salad eating "unconsciously," at the computer or in front of the TV. Sometimes you gotta break the rules.
