Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 2

So yesterday went well....had some more fruit and salad for din-din! Today's stats are 143.6, 36% fat, 45% water. This morning had a banana and a grapefruit for breakfast. Lunch will probably be potato leek soup and a side salad. I want to share another really good resource with you....because most us cannot afford the fabulous Liebehrr BioFresh Refrigerators, haha, it is super important to keep the costly fruits and veggies nutritious and well for as long as possible. I REALLY don't want to be throwing away good, expensive, nutirious food because it has gone bad.

Check this website out. It tells you the 4 key things you need to know about fruits and veggie storage. 1) The ideal temperature it should be stored at 2) Whether the item produces a gas called ethelyne 3) whether the item is ethelyne sensitive and 4) the ideal level of humitidy

Basically some fruits and veggies produce a gas called ethylene as they ripen or age. And some are what it is called "ethylene sensitive" which is why if you have an ethylene producer in the same bowl as an ethylene sensitive, your ethylene sensitive item goes bad much more quickly than it should.


I have this printed out on my fridge for easy reference when unpacking from the store/farmers market.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva! Here's a quote that I think is great for those times we go to the scale and the numbers haven't moved (like mine today) or have moved upward. Thomas Edison (inventor, 1847-1931): Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.
