Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day 18....Time Flys!

So I was kind of scared to weigh myself, as I had a gluttonous weekend and then promptly got a terrible cold. Thanks to the cold I have been having cough drops that contained sugar (didn't have the energy to get new ones at the Health Foods store) and honey and sliced lemon in hot water. So I have followed the diet, but sneaked in some sugars. I am getting better though, finally!! Today I feel much better. Which is why I decided, time to weigh in whether good or bad. And it's good! I am down to 138 lbs, 7.8lbs less than I weighed 2.5 weeks ago. Which is really exciting.

I am STILL struggling to eat enough GREEN vegetables. But I will get there.

One thing I am working on in life aside from eating better is living better, and for me that means decluttering and reorganizing. I am not a neat person by nature, much to my mother's frustration ;-) I seriously spent half of high school grounded (or "on restriction" as they say in GA) because my room wasn't clean.

Yet I have FANTASTIC organizing skills. Give me a pile of crap or a job at an office with no system, and BOOM I can make it work. I just have trouble KEEPING it that way.

So long story short, the tie with Eat to Live and Organization is this: most local food pantries are desperate for food right now. I happened to have tons of canned food (thanks to our BJs membership) that I shouldn't be eating....canned peaches in syrup, baked beans (full of high fructose corn syrup....don't get me started), etc. So off I went....double duty....getting rid of stuff I don't need and giving back just a little.

Time to go make some soup.....portabella mushroom something....will let you know how it turns out.

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